Discover the wisdom that will unlock the door to your wellness.

Healthy elderly woman on a swing feeling happy, wise, and well

“Trust the wisdom of your body for it often reflects the wisdom of your soul.”

At Wise & Well, it is our mission to empower you to take control of your health at any age. Tell us your health goals, and we will create your personalized roadmap to reach them with guided support along the way.

Start your Wise & Well journey today and discover a happier, healthier version of you right around the corner!

Discover a coaching service tailored to your lifestyle goals.

What our clients are saying


Edna V.

72 Years Old

Happy Wise & Well customer in her seventies.

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“Wise & Well has really made a difference in my quality of life. After two hip surgeries, I was using a walker and didn’t think I would be able to regain my strength. I was also eating a lot of ‘convenient’ food and feeling as though I couldn’t lose weight. Not only did Chelsea assist me in my recovery from surgery, but she helped me lose the stubborn weight I had gained in a few months. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to improve their life.”


George H.

Age 95

George H. at 89. Now he is 95.

“There are trainers, and then there is Chelsea in a class by herself, always cheerful, positive, and uplifting. At 93, she taught me to walk. I had no balance, no confidence, and was depressed. Our twice-weekly sessions changed my life. Now, at 95, I’m happy, healthy, optimistic, and can walk and drive. The compassionate care I received was top of class. Chelsea will bring your mind and body to a new joyful level.”


Martha M.

81 Years Old

elderly woman, healthy, happy, health coaching

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“After I retired from teaching, I became very sedentary. My family doesn’t live close by and so I felt very lonely and unmotivated to leave the house. I didn’t have energy. My daughter signed me up for Wise & Well health coaching and at first, I was reluctant to participate, but after a while I realized I could improve my life by doing more of the activities I love, finding ways to connect with my community, and regaining my strength and balance. I would recommend this program.”

Let’s kickstart your health

We’ll be with you every step of the way.