How To Reclaim Your Energy!

Have you ever noticed that you seem to have more energy when you are excited about something? Or how it’s harder to get out of bed on the weekdays than on the weekends?

Whenever I go on ski trips, I practically jump out of bed in the morning, waking up naturally a few minutes before the alarm even sounds.

And have you ever noticed that when your favorite upbeat song starts playing, you suddenly have more energy and your mood improves almost instantaneously?

Even when my energy is dwindling at work, I can go home, put some makeup on, get dressed up, and go out with friends, entirely forgetting about being tired until the night dies down.

Believe it or not, we have more control over our energy than we realize, and a large portion of that control is mental.

That being said, if you find your energy lacking, it might take some deep diving into what the potential cause could be. There are medical reasons such as hypothyroidism, anemia, and arthritis, physical reasons such as dehydration, lack of sleep, or excessive exercise, and emotional reasons such as depression, stress, anxiety, or lack of purpose.

A Wise & Well health coach can assist you in determining the root cause, but you can also proactively try these techniques:

  1. Drink more water.

    You should try to drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily. Oftentimes, when we feel fatigued, our body is dehydrated.

  2. Reduce stress and anxiety.

    See our blog post titled How To Reduce Stress In Under 5 Minutes

  3. Exercise with high-energy music.

    Put on your favorite upbeat song that you can’t resist moving your body to and see how your energy improves.

    Movement and exercise will increase your heart rate and circulation, which will also help you feel more energized.

  4. Get fresh air.

    The brain is extremely sensitive to levels of oxygen. That’s why going for a walk outside or just getting fresh air can actually improve brain functioning.

  5. Sleep more soundly.

    I know… easier said than done. Personally, this is the area I have struggled with the most on my health journey. Check out my blog post Sleep Hacks From An Insomniac to learn what tricks have helped me immensely. After years of insomnia, I have found a few things that work well for me: staying on a consistent sleep/wake schedule, sleeping with a silk eye mask to block out any light, keeping the temperature nice and cool (my favorite product for this is called the Chilipad, which is a mattress pad with an adjustable temperature), taking sleep vitamins (I like SugarBear Sleep Vitamins), and doing something relaxing before bed.

  6. Pace & Prioritize.

    It’s important to take rest breaks! If you’re like me and have a tendency to do too much without prioritizing rest, it’s time to be more realistic about how much you can fit into a day. If you have a long list of things you want to accomplish, determine the 2 or 3 most important activities you want to do and put off the rest for another day. Schedule periods of rest into your calendar if you have difficulty carving out the time. If you take short rest breaks throughout the day, you will have more stamina and your body will thank you!

Talk with a Wise & Well health coach for more information on how to improve your energy and get the most out of life!


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