What Can Health Coaching Do For You?

Have you ever heard the phrase “I’m a creature of habit”?

Well, it’s true.

We all have habits - good and bad - and we all struggle to change them.

If you are superhuman and don’t have trouble breaking bad habits, well, then please tell us your secret! As most of us know, sometimes sheer willpower isn’t enough. That’s because behavioral change is one of the most challenging undertakings we will ever face. Our habits have been ingrained in our lifestyles for years, even without consciously choosing them. This can make change seem impossible at times, but I’m here to tell you it is possible to improve habits. Not only is it possible to change, but these small lasting changes can also effectively transform your life.

Enter the field of Health Coaching…

A Health Coach is someone who helps you reach your goals related to health. We can guide you through dietary changes, help you reach your fitness goals, improve your mobility, enable you to participate in the things that bring you joy more frequently, and most importantly, find countless ways to enhance your quality of life.

Research has shown that diet and lifestyle changes are capable of preventing and even reversing chronic disease and illness. However, no one said this would be easy. If it were easy to reverse chronic conditions, we wouldn’t be seeing the current health crisis in this country.


Over 37 million Americans have diabetes (https://www.diabetes.org/). One person dies every 36 seconds from heart disease in the U.S. (https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/facts.htm). This data is upsetting, but the silver lining is that health coaching can change this by giving clients the time and attention that other healthcare professionals often aren’t able to.

Health coaching uses a multi-faceted, holistic approach to examine every aspect of your health, including, but not limited to your diet, lifestyle, hobbies, relationships, sleep quality, cultural background, routine, and spiritual practice if you have one. In order to be successful in helping you reach your goals, the health coach must understand the bigger picture of your life and then develop a plan customized to you. Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle, improve your daily routine, increase your energy, be more independent in your daily life, overcome disability, or find more meaning in your life, Wise & Well is here to help.

Wise & Well specializes in anything and everything related to aging successfully. Combining occupational therapy and health coaching expertise, we can offer insight and evidence-based guidance unique to our clientele.

Sign up for your free consultation today to learn more about how we can help you live your best life.


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