6 Hacks for Healthier Grocery Shopping

  1. Always have a plan.

    Lookup a few recipes you’d like to make for the week, write the ingredients down, and make a list of all the items you need to restock. When you go without a plan, you easily browse junk food aisles and come home with groceries that don’t support your health goals.

  2. Don’t shop while hungry.

    Unless you want to end up with more food than you need and unhealthy treats, it’s best not to grocery shop while hungry to avoid impulse buying.

  3. Shop the perimeter of the store.

    Have you ever noticed how the healthier, fresher foods tend to always be around the store's perimeter, whereas the more processed foods tend to stay in the aisles towards the center of the store? For this reason, it is best to shop mostly around the perimeter versus going down all the center aisles.

  4. Shop the rainbow!

    In the produce section, be sure to get products that have a variety of colors. The different natural produce colors give you different antioxidants and nutrients.

  5. Learn to read nutrition labels.

    Depending on your health goals, Wise & Well can educate you on specifically what to look out for. Ask your health coach for more information!

  6. Stick to items with fewer ingredients.

    Processed foods tend to have more ingredients, and the longer the list, the more likely it is that you may not recognize the ingredients, and that is typically a good sign you shouldn’t be eating it since it wouldn’t be as natural for your body to digest.

Ask a Wise & Well health coach about creating a custom grocery list for you and helping you optimize your grocery shopping.


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